Non - toxic living

Are you ready to begin?


Essential Oils are just one of the tools in my wellness toolbelt.

Are you curious about oils but…

  • Aren’t sure how they actually work?

  • Are you worried about the cost?

  • Overwhelmed at where to start?

  • Unsure how they will help you?

I’m here for you!

Book your free Wellness Consult and let’s see how oils can fit into your life!

Essential oils are natural + safe.

doTERRA helps to put the power back into your own hands, when it comes to the wellness of you and your loved ones. 

Some essential oils are soothing and grounding, while others are energizing and renewing — the therapeutic benefits are incredible. The variety of essential oils allows you to naturally and effectively address your specific concerns. We’ll work together to combine your physical goals with your emotional needs to decide the perfect combo for you and your family!


Today, essential oils can be used for cooking, household cleaning, personal hygiene, emotional support and much, much more.

I personally use them for everything!

I choose essential oils for my home to reduce the amount of toxins + manufactured products that my family comes into contact with.

Your mental, emotional, and physical health are SO important, and the peace of mind gained from knowing you have made them a priority - priceless.

Sound like something you’d love to try?

You can book a FREE wellness consult with me today, or visit my doTERRA page to learn more.

I am excited to help you start your journey to wellness!